Intensions Study in Vice
On March 29, 2016, Vice Motherboard published an article titled, 'A Third of Young Canadians Would Prefer a Robot Boss'. Written by Jordan Pearson, the article discussed findings from our recent Intensions Consulting study on the Future of Work with over 2000 Canadian adults.
Motherboard: "The survey findings appear to lend weight to previous studies that have suggested people would be open to being bossed around by a computer." Image: Vice / Alex Dixon
To quote from the article, "it’s no wonder that so many young Canadians would rather a computer program do the job—31 percent, to be exact, according to a new survey of more than two thousand Canadian adults by Vancouver-based consulting firm Intensions," and that, "according to the survey, 31 percent of Canadians aged 20 to 39 agreed that an “unbiased” computer program would be more ethical and trustworthy than a human boss. Thirty-four percent said they would rather be hired by an “unbiased” computer program, 33 percent would prefer to be assessed, and twenty six percent said they would prefer to be managed by a robot."
For a full copy of the article, please click the link below: