Morphological Research & psychology

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Intensions Consulting are the only providers of morphological market research in Canada, and among a small group of research institutes conducting morphological studies globally.  

This groundbreaking methodology is a practical application of morphological psychology, an independent psychological theory originally advanced by Wilhelm Salber from the University of Cologne in Germany (Salber, 1965; Salber, 1969; Salber, 1989).

Incorporating aspects of gestalt psychology, phenomenology, and psychoanalysis, the theory is based on psychological tensions that work together to influence and direct human experience and behaviour (Lӧnneker, 2007; Ziems, 2004).

These psychological tensions are uncovered through morphological intensive interviews, a unique qualitative methodology that encourages open and flexible discussions within the context of a closed conceptual framework (Lӧnneker, 2007; Dammer & Szymkowiak, 1998).

Similar to other qualitative research methodologies (Starks & Trinidad, 2007), interpretative analysis involves an iterative process of decontextualization and recontextualization to distill data into a common set of psychological themes or tensions (Dammer & Szymkowiak, 1998). When combined, these psychological tensions provide a framework for systematically understanding fundamental human needs (Melchers, 1997).


The Intensions® Model provides a new way to understand consumer and market psychology. Based on the theory of morphological psychology, the Intensions® Model allows organizations to explore and visualize what's really driving their customer's behaviour. The model is based on six psychological drivers that always exist ‘in tension’ with each other - providing static and dynamic extremes of human motivation which can be represented in a hexagonal system.

Intensions Model Drivers.png


This describes the fundamental human drive for safety, continuity and the desire to hold on to what has been acquired, which exists in tension with the fundamental human drive for change, dynamics and the desire to abandon safety for movement.


This describes the fundamental human drive for rules, regularity and the desire to adapt to social expectations and structures, which exists in tension with the fundamental human drive to express individual intent, personal preferences and the desire to influence through action.


This describes the fundamental human drive for achievement, ideals and desire to attain new levels of accomplishment, which exists in tension with the fundamental human drive for skills, resources and practical appreciation of individual limits and limitations.

Through a process of morphological intensive interviews, our team are able to diagnose how these drivers are influencing customer motivations and behaviour in a market, category, or situation - resulting in a customized Intensions® Model.

From food to finance, healthcare to advertising, the Intensions® Model has been used by clients around the world to understand audience motivations, uncover market opportunities, and improve the impact of advertising.


- Salber, W. Morphologie des seelischen Geschehens. Ratingen, Germany: Henn; 1965. ISBN: 9783923823055 

- Salber, W. Wirkungseinheiten: Psychologie von Werbung und Erziehung. Wuppertal, Germany: Henn; 1969. ISBN: Unknown

- Salber, W. Der Alltag ist nicht grau. Bonn, Germany: Bouvier; 1989. ISBN: 9783416022125 

- Lӧnneker, J. Morphologie: Die Wirkung von Qualitäten – Gestalten im Wandel. In: Naderer, G., Balzer, E., editors. Qualitative Marktforschung in Theorie und Praxis. Wiesbaden, Germany: Gabler; 2007. ISBN: 9783834902443

- Ziems, D. The Morphological Approach for Unconscious Consumer Motivation Research. J Advert Res 2004;44(2). DOI: 10.1017/S0021849904040152

- Starks, H., Trinidad SB. Choose your method: a comparison of phenomenology, discourse analysis, and grounded theory. Qual Health Res 2007;17(10). DOI: 10.1177/1049732307307031

- Dammer, I., Szymkowiak F. Die Gruppendiskussion in der Marktforschung: Grundlagen - Moderation - Auswertung - Ein Praxisleitfaden. Wiesbaden, Germany: Westdeutscher; 1998. ISBN: 9783531133171

- Melchers, C. Life and Consumption Styles in the New Bundeslanders Five Years After the Collapse of the Berlin Wall. In: Ullmann, A., Lewis, A., editors. Privatization and Entrepreneurship: The Managerial Challenge in Central and Eastern Europe. New York, United States: International Business Press; 1997. ISBN: 9781560249726