Intensions Study in Sputnik
On March 30, 2016, Sputnik published an article titled, ‘Losing Faith in Human Bosses: Canadians Don't Mind Being Managed by Robots.’ The article was based on the findings from our recent Intensions Consulting study on The Future of Work.
Sputnik: “Sexism, prejudice and irrational behaviors are thought to be among the ills a robotic boss would do away with.'“ Image: Sputnik
To quote for the article: “About one third of young Canadians would prefer to work for a robotic boss rather than for a flesh-and-bone one, a new study has revealed. According to a survey carried out on 2299 people by Vancouver-based consultancy Intensions and futurist activist Nikolas Badminton, 31 percent of Canadians aged 20 to 39 think that a computer program would be better at hiring, assessing and managing its employees. The figure for the general population of all age ranges is still quite high, with 26 percent being in favor of 'robo-bosses'. “
For a full copy of the article, please click the link below: