Intensions Study in the Toronto Sun
On June 20, 2020, the Toronto Sun published an article titled, ‘COVID-19 pandemic puts a silver lining on Father's Day this year.’ Written by Rita Demontis, the story was based on the findings from our recent Intensions Consulting and Canadian Men’s Health Foundation study exploring the impact of COVID-19 on Canadian fathers.
Toronto Sun: “It’s Father’s Day, a brave new day in a brave new world we are all currently living in.” Image: Toronto Sun
To quote from the article: “The first study, conducted last month on behalf of CMHF showed there’s a silver lining in the current health crisis: 40% of those interviewed felt the lockdown has had a positive impact on their roles as fathers while many others felt their roles had changed – for the better. The recent research has also shown that, thanks to the pandemic, Canadian fathers are closer to their kids. Perhaps it’s that whole working from home element, but the study reveals half of Canadian men interviewed say the experience has made them decide they want to continue building stronger relationships with their children.”
For a full copy of the article, please click the link below: