Intensions Press

Intensions Study in The Star

Intensions Study in The Star

The Star recently published an article titled, 'Nine in 10 young men say ‘selflessness’ is a masculine trait.' The article was based on findings from our study exploring The Values of Millennial Men.

Intensions Study: The New Values of Millennial Men

Intensions Study: The New Values of Millennial Men

A new study from Intensions Consulting has found that contrary to popular stereotypes, young men today are likely to be selfless, socially engaged and health-conscious. The study was published in the journal Psychology of Men & Masculinity.

Intensions Study on the CBC

Intensions Study on the CBC

The CBC recently published and article titled, 'Un tiers des hommes canadiens manquent de sommeil, selon une étude.' The article was based on findings from our study exploring Men’s Sleep Behaviour.

Intensions Study on the BBC

Intensions Study on the BBC

The BBC recently published an article titled, 'Truth be told, we're more honest with robots.' The article was based on findings from our study exploring The Future of Work across Canada.