On July 9, 2019, LesEchos published an article titled, ‘Les patrons sont-ils menacés par la robotisation?’ Written by Gerald Karsenti, the article included findings from our recent Intensions Consulting study on the Future of Work.
Intensions Study in the Daily Mail
The Daily Mail recently published an article titled, 'Millennial men value good health and altriusm over ‘masculine’ traits.’ The article was based on findings from our study exploring The Values of Millennial Men.
Intensions Study in TVA Nouvelles
On December 26, 2018, TVA Nouvelles published an article titled, ‘Les milléniaux accordent plus d’importance à leur bien-être qu’à leur masculinité’. The article was based on the findings from our recent Intensions Consulting and UBC study on The New Values of Millennial Men.
Intensions Study in Toronto Sun
On June 11, 2018, the Toronto Sun published an article titled, ‘Canadian men live unhealthy lifestyles: Study’. The article was based on the findings from our recent Intensions Consulting and Canadian Men’s Health Foundation study on the Five Health Habits of Canadian Men.