Intensions Study in PsychCentral
On April 26, 2018, PsychCentral published an article titled, ‘Young Men Said to Value Selflessness as Top Masculine Trait.’ The article was based on the findings from our recent Intensions Consulting on The New Values of Millennial Men.
PsychCentral: “Young men are expanding the concept of traditional masculinity by placing a higher priority on the traits of selflessness and openness.” Image: PsychCentral
To quote from the article: “A new Canadian study finds that today’s young men are expanding the concept of traditional masculinity by placing a higher priority on the traits of selflessness and openness, while still valuing - but putting slightly less emphasis on - physical strength and autonomy. Based on a survey of 630 young men (aged 15 to 29) in Western Canada, researchers found that selflessness was the most strongly endorsed masculine value. A total of 91 percent of the respondents agreed that a man should help other people, and 80 percent believed that a man should give back to the community.”