Intensions Study in AskMen
On April 27, 2018, AskMen published an article titled, ‘Millennial Men Are Not Selfish and Self-Obsessed, Science Says’. Written by Matt Shea, the article was based on the findings from our recent Intensions Consulting study on The New Values of Millennial Men.
AskMen: Millennial men. Selfish, self-obsessed and entitled, right? Wrong, according to a new study. Image: AskMen
To quote from the article: “Sometimes it feels like every second day there’s someone taking shots at millennials. They’re lazy, entitled, selfish, commitment-phobes — or so the thinking goes (of course, many of those opinions come from the baby boomer generation that still tends to control the reins in media.) But what if, contrary to popular stereotypes, young men today are actually selfless, socially engaged and health-conscious? Because that’s the finding of a new collaborative study from Canada’s University of British Columbia and Intensions Consulting, a Vancouver-based market research firm”.