Market Psychology

Intensions Study in PsychCentral

Intensions Study in PsychCentral

On April 26, 2018, PsychCentral published an article titled, ‘Young Men Said to Value Selflessness as Top Masculine Trait.’ The article was based on the findings from our recent Intensions Consulting on The New Values of Millennial Men.

Intensions Study: The New Values of Millennial Men

Intensions Study: The New Values of Millennial Men

A new study from Intensions Consulting has found that contrary to popular stereotypes, young men today are likely to be selfless, socially engaged and health-conscious. The study was published in the journal Psychology of Men & Masculinity.

Intensions Study in Enorm Magazine

Intensions Study in Enorm Magazine

On July 27, 2016, the German magazine Enorm published an article titled, 'Sind Roboter die besseren Chefs?' or 'Are Robots the better Chefs?' Written by Vincent Halang, the article discussed findings from our recent Intensions Consulting study on the Future of Work across Canada.

Intensions Study: Mental Health Literacy

Intensions Study: Mental Health Literacy

A new study by Intensions Consulting and the University of British Columbia was recently published in the Journal of Mental Health, under the title, 'Men's depression and suicide literacy: a nationally representative Canadian survey.' The study, which surveyed 901 English-speaking Canadian adults, confirmed a number of gaps in men's depression literacy, with over a third of Canadian adults (38%) incorrectly believing that having several distinct personalities may be a sign of men’s depression, and almost a quarter of Canadian adults (24%) incorrectly believing that men with depression often speak in a rambling and disjointed way.